
The first chapter of my series “Ours” depicts a ribbon that symbolizes the image of a rainbow. It flies lightly in the sky of Yushan Mountain, the highest peak of Taiwan, with the Alishan Divine Butterflies — Brahmaea wallichii insulata. It is a metaphor for freedom, democracy, and multiculturalism of Taiwan: With this artwork, dedicated to you and me in Taiwan, knowing how to savor the gracefulness of this land.

我的作品《Ours》系列首章,描繪象徵彩虹意象的緞帶,與阿里山神蝶 – 枯球籮紋蛾,一起輕盈的飛揚在台灣最高峰的玉山天際,隱喻著自由、民主、多元文化的台灣;藉由此作品,獻給身在台灣的你我,懂得細細品味屬於這片土地的美好。

Ours 002

Ours 003

Pushing past rows of bushes, the road before me is a vast expanse.
There is a history in Taiwan, in Formosa, a history which belongs to these beautiful islands that have nurtered us here.
As someone who loves and identifies with Taiwan, to depict this country through art posed a challenge that necessitated a certain way of seeing — focused on subtle detail to elucidate a wider splendour.

台灣 – 

Ours 004

In mid-September of 2020, TECONY Ambassador James K. J. Lee met with the then US Ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft, a meeting that Ambassador Craft herself described as “historic,” and a further step to strengthen US-Taiwan relationship. 
About 8,000 miles away from New York, Hsu Meng-Han, a Taiwanese artist, was moved by the occasion and inspired to create this painting to capture an important moment of US-Taiwan friendship. Taiwan blue magpies, as seen in the art, are endemic to Taiwan; their strength and character are often seen as a representation of the country. 

2020 年 9 月 16 日,駐紐約辦事處李光章大使與時任美國駐聯合國大使克拉芙特(Kelly Craft)餐敘,克拉芙特大使在受訪時表示這場餐敘是「歷史性」的會面,有助於進一步深化台美關係。
在距離紐約快 8,000 英里的台灣,藝術家徐夢涵深受這場會晤啟發,進而創作出這幅以台灣藍鵲為意象的畫作。台灣藍鵲貴為台灣特有種鳥類,其風骨和形象經常被視為國家的代表;徐夢涵藉由此作品,紀錄下象徵台美友好的重要時刻。

Embracing the Flame    擁抱烈焰

Snow-capped and majestic Yu Shan (Jade Mountain), two sacred birds soaring in the sky, the black bulbul and the Taiwanese blue magpie, they are determined to bring back the fire for their tribesmen, even if their beaks and claws are burned red, and even if they must sacrifice themselves, they are still determined to complete the mission entrusted by their tribe.
The work “Embracing the Flame” is inspired by the flood myth of the Bunun tribe. The tribesmen deeply cherish the black bulbul, which is respected and known as a sacred bird and is not allowed to be hunted. (In other versions of the story it’s the Taiwanese blue magpie)
As an artist, I immortalized this touching moment through painting. Using lively colors, the headdress of the women of Bunun, the blue Han-style, right-lapel, long-sleeved shirt, and the weaving pattern of the men’s chest cloth are all gently brought into the painting.


Душу й тіло ми положим за нашу свободу    

Soul and body we'll lay down for our freedom    


On February 24, 2022, ruthless missiles and air strikes from the Russian army cut through the peaceful sky of Ukraine…
From that moment on, the word “reunion” became an eternal concern. Numerous Ukrainians were displaced by the invaders, and even if they survived the war, their inner pain would not be soothed.
More than sorrow, there is anger. No one should deprive people from other countries of their way of living, or occupy their land, or even erase the fact that their history and culture exists.
The feeling of indignation continued to ferment, therefore, I created the painting “Soul and body we'll lay down for our freedom”. The title of the work comes from the lyrics of the Ukrainian national anthem: “Душу й тіло ми положим за нашу свободу”.
I would like to sincerely dedicate this work to the Ukrainian people who are fighting for freedom.
I wish that in the near future, under the blue sky, the green and the bright golden colors of the sunflower will replace the destroyed walls; so that the sunflower, which is the national flower of Ukraine and symbolizes “faith”, “glory” and “courage”, will bloom again.

2022 年 2 月 24 日,俄軍無情的飛彈和空襲,劃破了烏克蘭寧靜的天際…。
悲憤的心情持續發酵著,因而,我創作出《為了自由我們獻出靈魂和肉體》這幅畫。作品名稱源自烏克蘭國歌歌詞:「Душу й тіло ми положим за нашу свободу」。
祈願不久的將來,在藍天之下,滿眼綠意、璀璨金黃的太陽花,能夠取代斷垣殘壁;讓象徵「信念」、「光輝」與「勇氣」的烏克蘭國花 — 向日葵,再次綻放。

Freedom-loving people should look out for each other!    


In the early summer of 2021, the people of Taiwan will always remember the warmhearted country of Lithuania, for reaching out to donate vaccines to assist Taiwan in combating the pandemic at a critical moment. Since then, this precious friendship has been like a warm current of kindness that continues to reverberate between these two countries. 
Another important milestone in the exchange between the two sides was the establishment of “The Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania” in its capital, Vilnius. This is the first representative institution established in Europe under the name of “Taiwan.” 
Lithuania’s determination to fully demonstrate its alliance and cooperation through concrete actions has deeply touched my heart. As an artist, only through creating can I convey my deep gratitude to such partner who shares Taiwan’s democratic values and beliefs. 
Therefore, I have named my artwork “Freedom-loving people should look out for each other!” after the quote by Gabrielius Landsbergis, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania. 
The yellow, green, red background of this painting is the flag of Lithuania fluttering in the wind. On the round table in front of the flag, there is a jade glass vase with golden outlines. Inside the vase there’s an orchid that symbolizes Taiwan, which is a metaphor for Lithuania’s courage in firmly supporting the free and democratic Taiwan, also beautifully called the Kingdom of Orchids. 
Through this artwork, I hope that the friendly relationship between Taiwan and Lithuania continues to deepen, and that this force of kindness will spread to countries around the world, and that this tiny stream will eventually converge into a vast ocean under the bright sunshine.
2021 年初夏,台灣人民永遠記得這個暖心的國家立陶宛,在疫情嚴峻的時刻,伸出援手捐贈疫苗、協助台灣對抗疫情。自此,珍貴的情誼彷如一股善意的暖流,綿延不絕的迴盪於台立之間。
而雙方交流的重要里程碑,是「駐立陶宛台灣代表處 The Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania」,在立國首都維爾紐斯揭牌成立。這是全歐洲第一個以「台灣」名義設立的代表機構。
因此,我以立陶宛外交部長藍斯柏吉斯(Gabrielius Landsbergis)的名言,替作品命名為《熱愛自由的人們應該互相照顧 Freedom-loving people should look out for each other!》。
這幅畫的黃、綠、紅背景,是一面迎風飄揚的立陶宛國旗。國旗前方的圓桌上,擺了一個描金翡翠玻璃花瓶,瓶內插著象徵台灣意象的蘭花,隱喻立國無懼強權,且堅定的支持著 — 擁有蘭花王國美名的自由民主台灣。

Matsu Mussels    馬祖淡菜

The moment I opened the package, the smell of Matsu’s sea came to my nose; for a moment, it was as if I saw a unique island and a vast ocean.... 
The dark and hard shell, with a few barnacles attached to it, was grinning at me as it breathed through its open mouth. A plain, unpretentious local ingredient, just like its name, Matsu mussel.
Looking closely at the mussel, a bundle of seagrass-looking filaments can be seen around its shell, which are actually byssal threads that help the mussel attach itself to rock walls during its growth. However, these modest threads are connected to its heart, and if carelessly pulled out, the mussel will immediately die.
This reminded me of Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Birthday of the Infanta’, where the little Dwarf dies of a broken heart. Unlike the little Dwarf’s desperation, Matsu’s honored guests from afar can taste the full freshness and delight through simple cooking.
Sauté the green onion, ginger and garlic in sesame oil, add some water and bring it to a boil, then add the mussels. The surprise from waiting for the shell to open is like a “gender reveal party”, where the yellow orange flesh means female and the ivory flesh means male. Finally, drizzle some cooking rice wine to enhance the flavor, and a gorgeous pot of translucent white soup is ready to be served.
The savory sesame oil mussel soup is served in a handcrafted ceramic vessel. The taste of the island and the warm, rustic craftsmanship are conveyed through the intuitive arrangement of the dish, allowing one to experience the beauty of life.
Tasting Matsu mussels is full of imagination and fun. Gently grabbing a tuft of byssal threads, placing the mussel into your mouth, then pulling the byssus out, the plump, juicy texture of the meat happily dances a charming and sensual tango in your mouth.








Quail Eggs and Irises    鵪鶉蛋與鳶尾花

Today, let’s talk about a classic street food from Taiwanese night markets: “Grilled Quail Eggs”.
Exquisitely small, with patterns that resemble splashed-ink landscape paintings, these fresh quail eggs are turned into aromatic “Grilled Quail Eggs” skewers under the magical and skillful hands of the street vendors, and in an instant end up in the hands of eager customers waiting in line. Each person with a skewer has a broad smile in the face, illustrating the charm of this night market delicacy. Undoubtedly, this delightful taste must have left a deep mark in the memories of Taiwanese people since long ago. 
Some time ago, while strolling through the traditional market, I casually stumbled upon a small truck selling colorfully patterned quail eggs. A bag was only one hundred NT dollars, which made me pleasantly surprised. I felt like I had found a treasure and brought two bags home with me.
As I admired these peculiar gifts from the divine creator, I gently washed the thin eggshells, then I took out an electric griller and brushed them with extra virgin olive oil. After a while, the tiny yolks and whites started sizzling…
Surrounded by the wafting aroma of eggs, at that moment, I could almost see my childhood self, tightly holding onto my mother’s hand, my eyes following the skilled movements of the street vendors, while I obediently and quietly waited next to them.
Thanks to these adorable quail eggs, memories of long-forgotten childhood experiences came flooding back. To increase the sense of ritual in my life, I decided to bring out my long-cherished vintage 1980s Arcopal France milk glass side plate with ultra-marine blue irises and gracefully present the golden brown and crispy sunny-side-up eggs.
The blooming irises on the plate exuded an air of elegance and sophistication, acting as guardians of the quail eggs in that moment, gently waiting to escort those delectable human delights into one’s mouth.

今天,我們來聊聊台灣夜市的經典小吃 「烤鳥蛋」吧。
因著可愛的鵪鶉蛋,讓我回憶起早已忘懷的童年往事;為了增添生活中的儀式感,決定找出自己珍藏已久的法國 Arcopal 牛奶玻璃印花餐盤,將金黃焦脆的太陽蛋優雅盛裝。
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